Ice paint allows you to no longer spend a lot of electricity bills. You can get cool ice paint indoors. Taipei MRT Wenhu Line uses automatic control box


Ice paint allows you to no longer spend a lot of electricity bills. You can get cool ice paint indoors. Taipei MRT Wenhu Line uses automatic control box

INTERAX 愛室潔奈米水性環保塗料-硅藻漆(3加侖)


  • 淨重:11公斤±3% (3加侖)
  • 總固體含量:61.67%
  • 粘度:3600
  • 乾化時間:攝氏25℃時,約60分鐘成膜
  • 黏度:3600
  • 保存期限:2年,請置於陰涼通風處避免日照
  • 腐蝕性:無
  • 毒性:無毒
  • 抗黴菌與抗真菌:極佳
  • 建議噴塗厚度:0.25mm
  • 調和劑:水(建議不超過5%)
  • 生產地:臺灣
  • 硅藻土比例:約40%(以重量計算)

265 件庫存

The price of this product is only available in Taiwan, not applicable to other regions.
